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Operational Dashboards

A large part of providing a stable Fediverse platform is comprehensive operational monitoring. In common with many Kubernetes-based instances, we picked Prometheus to scrape operational metrics, and Grafana to display them in a series of dashboards. We also wanted to publish these dashboards to meet the principle of "Default to Open" from the US Digital Service Playbook.

As explained below, the Grafana publicDashboards feature is in alpha at the moment, and does not support dashboards that contain template variables (which is most of them!). Until that becomes possible, we are committing to providing monthly screenshots of our operational metrics.

Installing Prometheus and Grafana

The GKE Marketplace provides two products, "Prometheus & Grafana", which (despite its name) provides a Grafana-ready implementation of Prometheus 2.41 only, and "Grafana", which provides Grafana 7.4.


The Marketplace install of Prometheus is reasonably current, so we deployed that. No configuration changes were needed for our implementation.


If you plan to deploy an Ingress in front of Prometheus (we did not, using Port Forwarding instead), the provided values of timeoutSeconds: 30 for both the livenessProbe and readinessProbe will need to be reduced to below 30 in the YAML for the StatefulSet to avoid the GKE strict implementation of TimeoutSec should be less than checkIntervalSec. The default value of checkIntervalSec in GKE is 30 seconds, and timeoutSeconds must be less than that1.

One of the advantages of the GKE Marketplace Prometheus implementation is that it comes with a Google Cloud Monitoring datasource already configured. This datasource comes with some excellent pre-defined dashboards for Cloud SQL, Cloud Storage, and Load Balancers.

Most of the exporters in the GKE-provided Prometheus worked just fine as installed, but we encountered a wrinkle with the cAdvisor exporter. We also needed to add a Statsd exporter in order for our Mastodon dashboard to work.

GKE cAdvisor

When we installed the GKE Marketplace Prometheus application, the GKE cAdvisor didn't emit any data as initially configured. After a lot of trouble-shooting, we eventually found this little nugget in the prometheus-1-prometheus-config ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
  prometheus.yaml: |
    - "job_name": "gke-cadvisor"
      - "action": "drop"
        "regex": "^$"
        - "namespace"
      - "action": "drop"
        "regex": "^$"
        - "pod_name"

The effect of this was to effectively silence the exporter, meaning that, while the exporter itself appeared healthy, it wasn't sending any data. Removing the entire metric_relabel_configs block (highlighted above) solved that problem2.

Statsd Exporter

At least one Fediverse platform, Mastodon, has a built-in StatsD exporter. What we needed was a way to convert the metrics from the StatsD format to Prometheus format. The Prometheus Community GitHub repo publishes a Helm chart for their statsd-exporter, which does exactly that. This we installed in the usual way.


The Marketplace version of Grafana is too old to support the dashboards we wanted to use. Instead, we installed Grafana 9.3 from the Bitnami chart. The method we used is identical to how we installed FediBlockHole, so we won't repeat it here. The only configuration changes we made were:

  values.yaml: |- 
        type: Recreate
          value: publicDashboards

The change to updateStrategy.type is to remove the multi-mount contention on the Persistent Volume claim that a RollingUpdate type encounters with the standard-rwo StorageClass in a Kubernetes Deployment.


This change means that the Grafana service will be briefly unavailable during pod updates. We determined we could live with it. YMMV.

The extraEnvVars setting enables the publicDashboards feature, which is currently in alpha release. We intended to publish our Grafana dashboards as part of this site, but all the dashboards we use use template variables, which are not currently supported. Until they are, we will publish monthly screenshots instead.

We also created a DNS entry and HTTPS Ingress for our Grafana install, so we could access it from the Internet.

When you get Grafana running, you will be presented with a login screen. Because we implemented in GKE from a Helm chart which creates the admin user and generates a secret for it, we had no idea what it was, so we extracted it from the secret with this command:

~$ kubectl get secret --namespace grafana grafana-admin -o jsonpath="{.data.GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode ; echo

Once that's done, you should be able to login to your Grafana instance and start dashboarding!

  1. It's kinda bizarre that Google didn't fix this in their Marketplace offering... 

  2. Another bizarre configuration choice in the Marketplace install... 

Last update: March 1, 2023